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The Real Deal on Denver’s 420 Friendly Hotels

Thursday July 02, 2015


If you’re thinking about booking a cannabis tour in Denver, chances are you’re already interested in sampling the wares when it comes to the ever-expanding recreational marijuana industry. Tourism is projected to reach record numbers in Colorado this year, especially in Denver, the state’s epicenter of all things legal cannabis. While officials are reluctant to attribute the increase in visitation to plentiful and legal pot, marijuana industry insiders report the number of out of town visitors shows no sign of abating. Of course, while the procuring of cannabis has never been easier in Denver, the question of where to enjoy it still presents something of a challenge for visitors. While Colorado residents are permitted to partake in the privacy of their own homes, state law prohibits that consumption of cannabis in public, which in practice means Denver currently lacks the bars, lounges, or coffee shops non-residents might take advantage of to enjoy their new purchases. Fear not, however; enter the 420 friendly hotel.


Marijuana friendly hotels provide out-of-towners with the opportunity to enjoy their dispensary hauls safely and discreetly, with the added bonus of room service to quell any late night, post-toke cravings. Whether you’re just passing through Denver or you’re coming specifically to check out the cannabis scene, staying in a marijuana friendly hotel is an absolute must if there’s a retail dispensary on your agenda. As the cannabis industry continues to expand, the number of hotels opening their doors to pot tourists has enjoyed  steady growth as well, culminating in the current range of choices available to suit almost any travel need or budget.


While most cannabis friendly accommodations vary in their policy regarding the when and where of smoking, almost all allow vaporizing in guest rooms. Some even provide complimentary or discounted vaporizer rentals for guests who come unequipped with the necessary tools. Vaporizer friendly rooms are especially ideal for visitors who aren’t too keen on the idea of smoking their cannabis, or those that prefer the mellow, vacation-ready high of vaping. While vaporizer-friendly rooms tend to be the standard in 420 hotels, the offerings can diverge greatly from here. Some accommodations also feature smoke-friendly balconies and outdoor smoking gardens or lounges, where your evening joint or wake-and-bake comes with a picturesque view of Rockies.


For those hoping to take their 420 hotel experience to the next level, Denver’s growing roster of cannabis-friendly bed and breakfasts provide the kind of intimate hospitality traditionally associated with a classic B&B with an irresistibly weed-centric twist. From wake-and-bake breakfast buffets to cannabis-infused private massages, the 420 friendly bed and breakfast offers some of the most unabashedly cannabis-oriented experiences for visitors and is a great option for travelers looking to socialize with other cannabis aficionados during their stay.

Of course, the dollhouse charm of the bed and breakfast isn’t for everyone – if lounging by the pool and hitting happy hour in the hotel bar is more your style, you can still enjoy the benefits of unhindered vaping at several spots throughout Denver. Accommodations range from more budget-oriented options near Denver’s Merchandise Mart, to grander luxury locations in the heart of Downtown. Many also offer 420 friendly airport shuttles and designated outdoor smoking lounges, although this can vary between destinations. Generally, it’s worthwhile to ask the hotel staff for clarification if you aren’t sure which areas are designated for cannabis friendly activity. Most accommodations will also review the specifics of their policies when you check in. No matter where you decide to stay, choosing a 420 friendly hotel is one of the easiest ways to ensure your time exploring the Denver cannabis industry is safe, stress-free, and totally relaxing. As the retail cannabis industry continues its remarkable upward trajectory, there may be a time in the future when designated lounges or coffee shops open their doors to residents and visitors alike; until then, consider the 420 friendly hotel your own private cannabis retreat and your best option for making the most out of your visit.

Brittany Driver

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