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Watch Colorado Cannabis Tours, this week on HBO’s VICE

Thursday February 25, 2016

This week, on the new episode of VICE on HBO (S4E04), the legal cannabis industry is explored in and out. VICE correspondent Hamilton Morris visits with Michael Eymer and Heidi Keyes of Colorado Cannabis Tours and even takes a tour himself.

Anyone remember this picture from the CCT Instagram a while back?

Hamilton Morris of HBO Vice with Colorado Cannabis Tours Mike and Heidi

What about this one?

Hamilton Morris of HBO Vice smoking pot on CCT Tours

We certainly don’t want to say too much, VICE is an awesome show and we’d hate to spoil an episode. But what we can tell you is what we thought about working with the team while they were here in Denver.

“It was an absolute blast. Eric, the producer, was super down to earth and Hamilton was… Just as awkward as you’d imagine him!” says Mike Eymer, owner and operator. “One guest who couldn’t take the tour told Eric he would have loved to but would have lost his job if he did.”

Being on camera smoking weed isn’t for everyone, right?

“At that point Eric told him that if that were the case, his job sucked and that he should find a new one. They were the most real film crew I’ve ever dealt with in my life.” And that’s saying alot coming from Eymer, who has been interviewed and profiled on ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, National Geographic – the list goes on.

Check out this preview from VICE and tune in to HBO this Friday for a sneaky peek inside a Colorado Cannabis Tour and more!

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