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Bernie Sanders is the most cannabis friendly Presidential candidate this Prohibition riddled United States has seen. The guy has already earned the votes of those who know he would absolutely end this ridiculous war on drugs that has gone on for decades with no end in sight.

 But what some Sanders’ supporters might not be aware that if they really care about “grassroots” politics, they’d be burning one for Bernie. Yes, we mean marijuana.

via stonedwarecompany.com


Ariel Zimman, Bernie Sanders supporter and pipe maker extraordinaire, took things to the next level. She was truly feelin’ the Bern, it seems. Zimman decided to put her two loves together and the Bernie 2016 pipe was born.


via stonedwarecompany.com


The pipes and chillums and have gotten mixed reviews. Recreational marijuana consumers sure seem to like them because, well, we tend LOVE Bernie’s outgoing personality and enjoy getting high…what is NOT to like?

 Others have expressed their distaste for the pipes and the notion that a political campaign should benefit from such “hazy” handiwork.

 As for us at Colorado Cannabis Tours, we are going to browse Zimman’s website, Stonedwarecompany.com, and see what other ceramic beauties this brash young entrepreneur has to offer.


The artist has released a statement on her webpage –

Because of the wonderful support of the Bernie community we have reached the maximum legal donation for any donor to the Sanders campaign. All donations past the legal limit will be focused toward charities that support girls and woman in STEM and the Arts.

Brittany Driver

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