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Review: Sweet Grass Kitchen Pumpkin Pie Cannabis Edibles – A Holiday Exclusive

Friday November 20, 2015
Review of Sweet grass Cannabis Edibles Pumpkin Pie

Colorado, we’ve taken notice, is a huge fan of local edibles producer Sweet Grass Kitchen. From their powerhouse owner and operator Julie Berliner, to their dedicated staff, to their craftily curated Instagram gallery. SGK is an outstanding example of a trustworthy and responsible marijuana infused product producer.

If you’re lucky enough to tour the SGK facility like I was, you’ll see smiles all around. It’s a tight knit group – I met marketing, sales, baking, packaging and growing on my short tour around the building. I was mightily impressed with the easy going flow between departments, not every workplace has that kind of vibe.

Pumpkin Pie Edible being madePumpkin Pie Cannabis Infused Edible so delicious!

And then I met my pies. It was a Sweet Grass Kitchen first for me – I’ve never had the pleasure of trying the brand until now. After shaking hands and hugs goodbye it was time to head home and see if these pumpkin treats lived up to the hype. After cutting open the package and quickly inspecting my first pumpkin pie (10 mg, recreational dose) I, admittedly, scarfed it down. I was expecting the usual “weedy” flavor but instead I just got the warmth that pumpkin pie intends – with hints of cinnamon that left me wishing I had more.

And I did! I ate a second pie – I have a predetermined HIGH tolerance for edibles – and waited for the magic.

Sure enough, two hours or so later, I was lying on the couch eating a post dinner bowl of cereal and watching the new series with David Cross and Bob Odenkirk. It was obvious to me then that the pies were in full force – which was A-Okay with me. I made it to bed before 10:30 and slept solid for nearly 8 hours that night.

Sweet Grass Kitchen’s pumpkin pies are an absolute A+ in our book. They’d be great as an adult after dinner treat on Thanksgiving or as a medicated snack on a fall hike.

– Brittany Driver


For more information and locations: https://www.sweetgrasskitchen.com/weed-pumpkin-pie/

Pies come in: • • • • • • RECREATIONAL (10MG/PIE) • • • OR • • • MEDICAL (75MG/PIE) • • • • • •


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