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CBV | What Is It and What Are Its Effects?

Tuesday February 15, 2022
CBV Chemical Structure

What is CBV?

Scientific Name: Cannabinodivarin

CBV is a THC analog that is similar to CBN. CBV is a degraded form of THC that develops when cannabis has been exposed to UV lights.

Is CBV Safe & Legal?

When CBV is derived from hemp it is legal at the federal level and can be purchased in all fifty states. CBV derived from marijuana plants is illegal because of its higher concentration in THC particles.

CBV is considered a safe and mild substance when it has been manufactured by a reputable source.

Does CBV Make You High?

CBV is a non-psychoactive chemical that cannot make you high.

Does CBV Contain THC / CBD?

Though CBV does not contain high concentrations of THC it has been known to produce positive drug test results. While these results are not confirmed, the reports may be enough to make it inadvisable for people who get screened regularly.

CBV Side Effects

CBV has been associated with cotton mouth, red eyes, and headaches. However, it should be noted that research on this chemical is relatively limited. Future studies may reveal more side effects.

CBV Benefits

Some scientists are optimistic about CBV’s potential to treat a wide range of different conditions. It is being studied as a potentially effective treatment for colon cancer, insomnia, weight loss, and metabolism regulator, among other things.

However, research remains in its early stages. CBV is not currently considered a treatment for any disease.

Austa Anderson

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