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41+ Weed & Smoking Games to Play While You’re High

Friday May 06, 2022
smoking weed playing beer pong

Cannabis and gaming share a natural connection. Who doesn’t like to keep the good times rolling? And yet there can be no denying that marijuana doesn’t pair well with every game.

Some marijuana gaming experiences will produce laughs and hazy, pleasant memories with your friends. Others will just be frustrating.

In this article, we take a look at over 41 games you can play while you are high and smoking with friends.

1.  Bong Pong

Like beer pong, but with bongs, bong pong is a great game to play at parties that have a few pipes in circulation. Find a long table, some willing opponents, and let it rip. Literally! To make it more fun, change the type of bong you hit so you will have a different experience every time.

2. Out Smoke U / Heavyweight

As the name suggests, Out Smoke U is a contest of lung capacity. Participants gather to find out who can handle the most cannabis. At the very least, it serves as a great excuse to get very baked. Amongst friends, it can also be an excellent way to establish bragging rights.

3. Smoke & Go Seek

Pretty much exactly like hide and go seek except that everyone is stoned. The rules on this game are somewhat flexible. Sometimes the seeker takes a hit before each round. Sometimes everyone does.

You can be pretty sure the game has run its course when all of the participants choose the couch for their hiding spot.

4. Never Have I Ever

Never have I ever is a game in which participants go around a circle saying “never have I ever…” blank. Delivered a child. Fought Mike Tyson. Made out with an orangutan on a quiet afternoon at the zoo.

The game usually doubles as a confessional in which the person whose turn it is mentions some of the most colorful or unusual things they have done. The people who have not done that thing perform an action. In this case, they take a hit.

5. Weed Jenga

It’s hard to say if weed comes in as an improvement or detriment to the Jenga experience. On the one hand, your reflexes will be dulled. On the other hand, your nerves will be soothed. It’s a tough call, but there is only one way to find out…

6. Movie Smoke Games

Like a drinking game, but with cannabis. Everyone takes a hit anytime a character blank does blank. The imperative could be tied to an action, a phrase, or something more abstract. Everyone takes a hit anytime Anne Hathway makes a “please give me an Oscar” face. Everyone takes a hit anytime Annakin Skywalker acts angsty. In that case, you should make sure your friends get home safely that night.

7. Hold Your Smoke

A silly contest of wills and lung capacity. Hold your smoke is a game where, as the name suggests, two or more people take hits of comparable size, and see who can hold their smoke the longest. What does it prove? Well, you’ll have to play the game to find out. At the very least, bragging rights emerge out of the eventual clouds of smoke.

8. Spin Wheel

Spin wheels are fun, though somewhat complex addition to any party. You can organize spin wheels digitally now,  setting them up on smart televisions or tablets, and they are highly customizable so that you can feature any prompts you want.

Participants “spin” the wheel, and then perform what the actual spinner lands on. It could be taking a hit. It could be anything. You decide.

9. Jammin

Jammin is a smoking game based on the Bob Marley song “Jammin.” Play the song. Anytime they say “jamming” take a hit. A warning? The word comes up a time or two. Don’t make any big plans immediately following this game.

10. Stoned Musical Chairs

Doesn’t the name say it all? A fun twist on a game you probably were never that enthusiastic about as a child, stoned musical chairs is a fun way to get everyone on their feet…and then back in a chair, at your next party.

11. Strip Choker

This is the not safe for work entry on a list full of not safe for work games. The premise is a lot like strip poker, except that cannabis takes the place of poker. Everyone takes a hit at the same time. The first person to cough removes an article of clothing.

Alternatively, you could adjust the rules to punish the person who exhales first. Or you could decide your friends look better with their clothes on and skip this one entirely.

12. Puff and Pass

This game may not be the best option in a post covid world, but do with it what you will. The premise is simple. Take a hit. Hold the smoke. Pass the smoking apparatus. The goal is to hold your smoke until the pipe, or joint, or what have you gets back to you.

You could circumnavigate the germy element by having everyone bring their own smoke, and passing a token of some kind that stands in for the pipe.

13. Joint Rolling Competition

They don’t all have to be silly, do they? A joint-rolling competition is an earnest celebration of skill and craftsmanship. Everyone goes around and rolls the very best joint that they can. Bragging rights goes to the best in the show. And, at the end of the game, everyone has a nice joint to smoke.

14. Medusa

This is a silly game but it can be fun with the right group. Everyone takes a hit and sits in a circle. Start with your head down. Everyone looks up at the same time and finds someone to make eye contact with. If you look at the same person who is looking at you, shout “medusa,” and take a hit.

15. Hide the Weed

Like any scavenger hunt, but with weed as the ultimate prize. It’s a fun, though potentially expensive way to liven up any party. Just make note of where you are hiding all of your nugs. Otherwise, you might spend the next few months finding little baggies of cannabis in your house.

16. Stoned Olympics

The Olympics recently came under fire for being overly punitive with their cannabis screening policies. It’s time to right their wrongs. Decide on a series of athletic competitions that can be completed at home. Everyone gets very baked, and then they compete.

17. Blunts (Not Horse)

Everyone knows the basketball game Horse. Players pick a spot and try to sink a shot. If they succeed, the next player has to shoot from that spot. If the player misses, they are assigned a letter. The game ends when someone has spelled out horse.

Here, we have the same premise but with the word “blunts.” Other rules can flexible. Smoke beforehand. Smoke when you make a shot, or when you miss a shot. You decide.

18. Greenjack

Like blackjack, but with cannabis instead of money. You can bet actual quantities of cannabis, although only do so if you are willing to let the game get pretty competitive. Alternatively, you could have players bet smokes. In other words, a player wagers two hits on a hand. People will get stoned pretty quickly, but isn’t that the point?

19. High Card

Ha! Get it? High card. Ok. It works by shuffling a deck. Pass out one card to each player. Players reveal the card. The person with the high card smokes, and a layup pun is made. Alternatively, you could have it that everyone but the player with the high card smokes.

20. One Word Story

A fun, creative way to introduce cannabis games into your next get-together. Everyone sits in a circle (or hey, a rectangle if you want to be different) and goes around saying one word. The idea is to tell a fluid story. One player might say “The,” the next says, “pig,” and the third player has to figure out what the pig did.

When someone gets stuck, they take a hit.

21. Obstacle Course

What could go wrong? The premise is pretty simple here. Set up an obstacle course, and have your friends go through it stoned. This can get pretty elaborate if you have the budget and the willpower. Your local party rental supply store may even have inflatable obstacle courses.

You don’t have to get that elaborate. Just set it up and let your friends go. With the right amount of weed finding your keys can be an obstacle, so you have plenty of wiggle room.

22. Red Light Green Light

Anyone who has seen Squid Game might have mixed feelings about this classic playground game. It’s time to take Red Light, Green Light back. Usual rules apply. Everyone lines up, side to side. One person stands out the front, back turned.

When the light is green, players can move forward. The game leader says red light and turns around. If anyone moves they are out and take a hit. Squid Game would have been a much happier show if they had this mentality.

23. Straight Face

Smoking can make it relatively hard to keep a straight face. This game capitalizes on that. Stare your friends down. The first person to crack a smile takes a hit.

24. Rock, Paper, Scissors

A simple, but fast and free smoking game. Play rock paper scissors. The winner takes a hit, or the loser takes a hit, or you both take a hit. It doesn’t matter.

25. Bowl Olympics

Everyone has a bowl filled with the same amount of weed. First-person to cash it is the winner.

26. Smoking Dice

Smoking dice is a product you may be able to buy online, or at some stores. Essentially, the product is a pair of dice with actions written on each side. You take a hit, then you roll the dice and perform the actions. They are usually silly, or embarrassing, but depending on how much you’ve smoked, you may not care.

Smoking Blunt Games

Naturally, blunts can be used for most of the games described above, but here are a few blunt-specific games you can try with your friends. As with all of the games on our list, rules are pretty flexible so play the way you want to.

1.  Blunt Rolling Competitions

There is a lot that goes into rolling a good blunt. Consider scoring your competition based on several different criteria.

  • Fastest

Pretty simple. Who rolled the fasted blunt?

  • Longest

Here, size does matter. Props go out to the blunt roller with an eye for length.

  • Heaviest

With blunts, quantity usually does win out over quality—at least when it comes time to smoke. Here, bragging rights go to the person who was able to roll the heaviest blunt.

  • Most Creative Smokable Blunt

And creativity has to count for something, doesn’t it? Here, the award is given to the person with the most creative roll.

2. Shotguns

A blunt is hidden. Everyone goes and looks for it. The person who finds it immediately smokes, inhaling in the “shotgun” fashion. Prepare to go sky high in this game, shotguns are no joke.

3. Marco / Polo

This is more of a blunt passing rotation game than it is an actual round of Marco Polo. The person with the blunt takes their hit and says “Marco!” The person who wants to take the next hit says “Polo!”. You get it.

Best Video Games to Play While High

Video games and marijuana have a natural relationship. Both are a great way to relax at the end of a long day, and they pair well when you find the right game. Below we take a look at seven games that are specifically suited to cannabis.

two men playing video games

1. Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a popular farm simulation game that has been ported to every current platform—including your phones. It pairs well with cannabis because there is truly no wrong way to play the game. Farm. Explore, and have conversations. Whatever you decide to do will be correct.

2. Pokemon

Pokemon doesn’t really need an introduction, does it? This game is an especially good weed pairing for people who grew up with pocket monsters as an important part of their childhood. Smoke up and ride the nostalgia train. Pokemon is primarily available on Nintendo products. However, Pokemon Go is playable on virtually any smartphone.

3. Mario

Mario benefits from nostalgia, and it’s always been a little trippy with the weird monsters and the big emphasis on mushrooms. It’s also straightforward enough that you won’t have to strain your mind too much.

4. Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing benefits from the same open-endedness of Stardew Valley. It’s a popular game where you run a town. Once again, explore, converse, or make mayoral decisions as you see fit. The stakes are low, and the game is forgiving. Animal Crossing is available on Nintendo products.

5. Sports

The sporting game of your choice may also pair well with cannabis. Why? The rules are simple and familiar, and the games can be difficult to adjust to suit your mindset. Almost every platform has some sporting games, from golf to football, meaning there will be something out there for everyone.

6. Rocket League

Rocket League is a soccer simulator with cars. The premise is weird enough to capture the imagination of any stoner. It’s also just accessible. The stakes are low, the plot, non-existent. Just plug in and play. Rocket League is available on most major platforms.

7. Goat Simulator

Surprisingly, the name of the game says it all. Live out your days as a goat in this silly, but surprisingly fun game. There is no way to play Goat Simulator wrong, and your stoned imagination should be able to find lots of ways to take this unique premise and run with it.

Stoner Games Online

Credit: Marijuana Games

Of course, you can always take your stoned gaming efforts online. Below, we look at five games that are specifically suited to the stoned frame of mind.

1.    Crop Defender

A game where you play as a farmer who must defend their weed crop from a wide range of threats. It’s violent. It’s weird. It’s a fun play.

2.    Mighty Mites

An easy game to play when you are high. Mighty Mites sees you defending your cannabis plants from a swarm of genetically modified bugs that have been designed to end marijuana forever.

3.    Stoned Mario

A potential copyright issue perhaps, but why should that be your problem? Play as Mario and collect weed. Do it fast, before Nintendo catches wind.

4.    Stoned Pacman

A similar copyright problem emerges, but once again, the issue isn’t yours to worry about. Play as Pacman, with a hunger for weed leaves.

5.    Stoned Memory

Stoned Memory is an online game specifically designed to test your short-term memory. Good luck. 

Austa Anderson

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