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California Wine and Weed Tour partners with Cannavines

Wednesday January 17, 2018
Cannavines Cannabis Wine California Partnership

Colorado Cannabis Tours and California Cannabis Tours are pleased to announce a new partnership with CannaVines Cannabis infused wine. We will be serving select varieties of this biodynamic cannabis-infused wine. These marijuana-infused wine tinctures will be available as part of the Bay Area Wine and Weed Tour.

There has been a long tradition of high-end boutique vino, particularly in California’s wine country. Now with recreational marijuana in Califonia, we are open to offering this delicious and robust pairing to our guests. We are ecstatic to bring you a wine that takes pounds of specially grown cannabis and blending at just the right moment in French oak barrels.

Let us know what else you would like to see on the new California Wine and Weed Tour.

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