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Colorado Cannabis Tours Marijuasana

Pulling up to the Lumber Baron Ballroom during the holidays is like getting to check out that cool decked out house at the end of the block you always wanted to see inside of growing up. The tall wooden doors make for a grand entrance way to this grand old home turned B&B. We are led up a few flights of stairs and into a delightful airy studio at the top of this regal Denver homestead. We are headed to the Marijuasana class, held here every month. Marijuasana is a sensory experience that involves yoga, personalized stretching, breathing, and a few CBD breaks in between. They offer complimentary herbal CBD tea and a few CBD vapes are passed around to instill the grounded feeling of wellness even further.

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The class is just getting going, and people are finishing their complimentary CBD infused tea from Pure Hemp Botanicals before taking their places on their mats. A lo-fi soundtrack sets us up to stretch a bit before we go into some more traditional poses. Stacey Mulvey, founder and director of Marijuasana tells me a little bit about why she wanted to bring these two elements together.
“I believe CBD and yoga are both medicine because of the deep healing they promote. There is a natural synergy between the two because of the endocannabinoid system inherent in our bodies.”

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One of the Marijuasana attendees, Kristin Hersh, shared why she felt so comfortable in this CBD- centric yoga event,”
“I’ve done yoga before, and most classes felt stuffy, or even a little pretentious. I don’t get that feeling here. Being here felt completely sincere, and she broke it down in a way that anyone could get in touch with their inner selves. Even if I had never heard of downward dog, I think I’d feel accepted.”
Walking into a brand new yoga class can be intimidating, but Marijuasana sets itself apart with a relaxed vibe, and Stacey’s beginner-friendly guidance keeps everyone moving at their preferred pace with personal touches encouraged.

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About a third of the way through the session, after some cat-cow repetitions, we found a stopping point and were invited to partake of some CBD vape, and rehydrate with a warm cup of rejuvenating Pure Hemp Botanicals herbal tea. The pause in between kept the feeling light, and made for a fun social experience amidst our stretching. I hit the CBD vape pen a few times, and felt ready to continue stretching without the stress.

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Back to the mats for the last round of poses, Stacey led the group through backbends, twists, and some turns I wouldn’t have thought I could make when the evening began. Something about the relaxed ambiance, light stretching, and CBD enhanced environment, moving felt easier, more natural, and maybe even a little lighter. The benefits of the combining cannabinoids, psychoactive or not with physical activity is becoming one of my favorite things. I look forward to more CBD-minded stretching and socializing at the next Marijuasana event!
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You can book a private group Marijuasana through Colorado Cannabis Tours. Call 303-420-TOUR (8687) to check availability and book today!

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