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3 Reasons To Grow Your Own Cannabis

Friday April 22, 2016

3 Reasons To Grow  Your Own Cannabis

In the cannabis industry, having a green thumb can be a very profitable skill.  It may not be naturally easy for everyone, but gardening can be very satisfying in a variety of ways. If cannabis is legal to grow in your state, we highly recommend you give it a try – and here are three reasons why.


1. Dirt Makes You Feel Good

First discovered by a British oncologist experimenting with cancer treatments, a soil dwelling bacteria called Mycobacteria vaccae. When administered, cancer patients displayed less symptoms and had a rise in their general feeling of well being – feeling more healthy, revitalized and with a sharper wit.  Later research uncovered that the M. vaccae caused a surge in serotonin in mice and acted as a de-stressor, lessening anxiety and improving cognitive functions. So get those hands dirty, the science says you’ll feel great afterwards.

2. Goal Setting Boosts Self Confidence

When anyone sets out to plant a cannabis seed their end goal is typically to have some usable plant material. And that doesn’t come overnight with cannabis. It takes many weeks to produce flowers worth consuming and just as much patience. But that’s what goals are – your envisioned ideal situation. Goal setting works positively for your confidence even if the desired result is never achieved because the process of setting and goal and following through is a confidence builder in itself. And we bet you’ll be stoked if and when you do reach this goal, right?

3. With Plant From Seed To Smoke

Buying cannabis from a reputable dispensary is a revolutionary process that only a few states allow their citizens to enjoy. But even when that is an option, there is something to be said for those that grow their own. Those people know exactly what kind of pesticides are used (or aren’t), what nutrients were used and how long the product was dried and cured. People that grow their own are wholly informed on the product they consume and that is enviable, is it not? Sure, there are space and legal restrictions in place but where there is a will there is a way.


While it might be impractical to think you could service a daily user for long with a small closet grow – it is practical, if it’s legal where you are, to give yourself the benefit of the doubt and see just what shade of green your thumb is.

Brittany Driver

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