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Marijuana Jobs

If you want to work in marijuana retail sales in the first state to legalize recreational pot, it’s easy. But there’s an application process, complete with various forms and fees. And you must follow and obey all Colorado marijuana laws.

Ask yourself, “Do I really want a cannabis job?”

Before entering the cannabis industry, understand it’s highly, highly regulated. The state and city governments are pretty serious about these regulations and rules – and trust me, there’s a lot of them, and they change all the time. As a badged employee, you must memorize and understand these rules. Failure to comply with the rules can lead to an audit or MED investigation. These investigations can cost a business anywhere from thousands to millions of dollars, so be prepared to operate under a tight ship.

Second, consider the social ramifications. There’s still a lot of stigma around cannabis, and your previous or current job selling marijuana could affect your ability to find work elsewhere. This isn’t a guarantee, but it is something to consider.

Types of Cannabis Jobs in Colorado

budtender weighing out cannabis

If you are 100% positive you want a job in the cannabis industry, here is a list of some jobs you could apply for after you get your MED license.

– Cannabis Trimmer
– Cannabis Harvest and Cultivation Assistant
– Dispensary Budtender
– Cannabis Packager
– Horticulturist
– Sales Representative
– Dispensary Manager / Assistant Manager

If you’re actively looking for a cannabis job be sure to check out local cannabis job listings on ZipRecruiter and Indeed.

Colorado Cannabis Job Qualifications

Because this industry is so carefully watched, only a handful of people qualify to work in the industry. To quality, you must:

– You must be 21+
– You are a Colorado resident and have a drivers license or ID
– Have a relatively clean criminal record, which means no felony convictions in the past five years.
– Owe no outstanding differences to the IRS or to the Colorado Department of Revenue.
– Not be affiliated with organized crime. You’ll be required to provide photos of any tattoos on your body.
– Not be a licensed physician.
– Not be a member of law enforcement.
– You must have your fingerprints taken prior to submitting your application

Apply for MED License

man filling out application

As with any other application process, the first step to getting a cannabis job in Colorado is filling out the application.

There used to be two different types of licenses to apply for; one for “Key Employees” and one for “Support Employees”. This rule changed on January 1, 2020. Anyone who seeks to become an employer of a cannabis enterprise, such as a budtender or dispensary employee, needs to fill out this Employee License Application. The fee is $100 for first-timers and $75 for renewals.

You’ll need to prove that you’re a Colorado resident (which requires a Colorado driver’s license). You can apply without a Social Security Number, but if you don’t have one, you’ll need to fill out a sworn affidavit stating you don’t have a Social Security Number.

The Colorado Department of Revenue provides numerous resources to help you through the application process. For MED Licensing Information click here and for MED Applications and Forms click here. You’ll find a number of different forms and applications depending on what you’d like to apply for, i.e., delivery permit, employee license or hospitality marijuana business just to name a few.

Important note about getting your fingerprints for the MED license.

The Colorado Government says:
“Applicants may have fingerprints taken using a third-party vendor. When submitting your application, please include a copy of your receipt showing you completed your fingerprints by visiting one of the following providers.

IdentoGo (Service Code: 25YGBJ)
Colorado Fingerprinting (CBI Unique ID: 9500MAJI)​
– Please see the MED Third-Party Fingerprint Providers page for more information.”

Here are some rules to follow when filling out your application:

1. Stick to black or blue ink, and your writing should be one color from start to finish. In other words, don’t do half of it in blue ink then switch to black ink for the last half.

2. Do not cross out any information you’ve written. You cannot white-out anything, either. If you mess up, you need to start over from scratch.

3. The form must be notarized by a state-licensed notary. Wait until you’ve met with the notary before signing the forms.

4. Whatever you do, tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth on your application. Leaving out required information may result in an automatic and permanent disqualification. It’s better to provide all information upfront compared to facing denial and having to go through an appeal process.

Important Note: If you are renewing your license, you must fill out the renewal application before it expires or you’ll have to go through the entire employee license application from the beginning.

Visit a MED Office to Apply

government building

You’ll need to set aside a day to make a trip to one of the state’s MED offices. It is recommended that you email or call them to make sure they are accepting walk-ins, only doing drop-offs or if you should just mail your application in.

Lakewood Office
1707 Cole Blvd., Suite 300
Lakewood, CO 80401
Email: [email protected]

Colorado Springs Office
PO Box 15128
Colorado Springs, CO 80935
Email: [email protected]

Grand Junction Office
632 Market Street, Suite G3
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Email: [email protected]

Longmont Office
275 South Main Street, Suite 101
Longmont, CO 80501
Email: [email protected]

If they are accepting walk-ins, it is usually on a  first-come, first-served, so try to show up early. Bring all relevant forms, including your Colorado-issued driver’s license, proof of residency (a utility bill usually works), a Social Security Card, and any other documents related to your arrest history, criminal records, etc.

You must also make your application payment upon your office visit. The offices will only take cash, money orders, and personal checks.

And that’s pretty much it! If you qualify, you should find out that day. Your badge is good for two (2) years, and once you have it, you can apply to work at any licensed dispensary, retail store, MIP, or grow operation in Colorado.

Have fun, and best of luck!

Randy Robinson
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2 thoughts on “How to Get a Cannabis Job in Colorado”

  1. Hi Randy, I’m a student from New Zealand looking to find work experience/internship at one of the testing laboratories in South Colorado (this is purely for experience so I won’t be getting paid). Is it necessary for someone like me to fill out the application? And if so is it even possible for me to get an application approved (since I’m not a Colorado resident).


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