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Cosmic Cannabis Culture – (Magic & Technology Of The Gods) PART 1

Monday December 19, 2016

Struck By Ancient Cosmic Cannabis Culture
(Magic & Technology Of The Gods)

Where did cannabis originate from? What was the beginning of all known beginnings, in regards to this ancient plant?

Many stories, from ancient times, have their roots, in attempting to describe the beginnings of the formations of cannabis into reality.

Before we move too deep into the stories of the origins of cannabis, we have to take a moment to reflect on the basics of how to process new information.

The first step in processing new information involves becoming comfortable with who you are listening to.

Who do you listen to?

Who you should be listening to are simply those who have what you want. If the information you are receiving doesn’t contain what you want, then you simply should not be listening to this information.

This information, we are about to go through, involves very specific “key” information about the very beginnings of cannabis. Whether or not these stories are “true” doesn’t necessarily matter, in its entirety.

Why does it not “technically” matter, if the information to come, isn’t 100% true?

Technically what tends to happen, with information that gets passed around for thousands of years, and through countless generations, is the information tends to get a little bit “simplified” and abstract.

What’s important about this information is the deeper messages contained hidden within the “broad” strokes of the abstractions.

Stories, as they moved through the ages, tend to get more and more simplistic & abstract because it makes the wisdom easier to remember and retell future generations.

The reason for the simplification of information is for the purpose of replicating the stories and perpetuating the information, throughout the generations, easily and accurately. While there is an almost INFINITE amount of complex information, hidden deeply within the “simplistic” stories, there is also a knowing that the complex information has several layers and a very deep nature in which one can continue to derive lessons from, the more one continues to look “deeply” down the rabbit hole.

There are a few “key” verses from the ancient text, known as the Vedas, that provide incredible depth about the cannabis sativa plant. The richness and depth of information, derived from these ancient text, are incomparable to any and all other known ancient texts, asserting the origins of cannabis.

Getting comfortable with who we are listening to.

What are the Vedas and why should we listen to its information?

The Vedas are ancient texts originating in India, written in, one of the oldest known languages, called sanskrit. What’s unique about the Vedas is that these bodies of knowledge are some of the only ancient texts that have gone unaltered throughout the ages. There is only one version of the Vedas.

Within the Vedas, lays hidden, a handful of verses, that are key to discovering and understanding, the origins and the purpose of cannabis.

This piece of the cannabis puzzle has been around since, before the beginning of written history. Before written history, there was something known as oral history. Before the invention of written “symbols” to communicate information and ideas, there was oral language and stories.

How ancient cultures passed on wisdom from generation to generation, didn’t start with the passing of “written” knowledge. The methods used to pass on information was communicated via speech. What the ancients used were vivid storytelling, expressed via; songs, hymns, singing and dancing.

What distinguished the stories of the Vedas, from all other ancient texts, is very specific. The Vedas are bodies of literature that are texts known, in Sanskrit, as śruti (what is heard). All other ancient texts are different and are known, in Sanskrit, as smrti (what is remembered).

What is “heard” versus what is “remembered” is the difference between having an “experience” first hand versus attempting to “experience” the past, via the memories and stories of previous generations. The basic difference is “feeling” the truth versus trying to “imagine” the truth.

What is the “more accurate” way of “getting” the truth? Via experiencing it first hand or trying to recall an experience from another person’s ancient experience of the past?

With anyone who has experienced cannabis first hand, explicitly knows the majority of modern day propaganda is a lie. Not only an OUTRIGHT LIE, but a down right disgusting lie that has been the sole cause of unimaginable pain and suffering for countless hundreds, thousands, if not millions and billions of people.

We know the truth about cannabis because we, cannabis consumers, experience the truth, first hand, on a daily basis. The truth is in the feeling. We hear the truth. We feel the truth. We absolutely experience the truth because of the “pleasures” we feel and experience.

Later on, we will go in depth in what, specifically, pleasure means. In the verses from the Vedas, just ahead, they talk about how cannabis brings us pleasure. Like I said, later parts, we will dig VERY deep into what it means to experience pleasure from the ancient cannabis plant.

We don’t need to be “told” a “version” of the “truth” about cannabis from some “alleged” authority who are currently spending unimaginable amounts of monetary resources trying to eradicate this incredible cannabis plant, from the face of the earth. We taxpayers are literally paying for a government agency, called the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), or, as I feel is more accurate, the (Death Enforcement Agency), to eradicate cannabis. Who also operate, in tandem, with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), also, I feel is more accurately labeled as (Forced Death & Annihilation).

Cannabis is not FDA approved because these government agencies are a pro death cult, pushing death, depopulation and eugenics on the masses.

What these government agencies are very accurately, and linguistically precisely doing is, operating as a death cult, and are perpetually committing crimes against humanity. The FDA has only been able to create a “drug” through human sacrifice. They have yet to produce a product that has not taken a life.

Whereas we, anyone in the cannabis community, know through experience and historical wisdom, that there has not been a single recorded death, due to cannabis consumption, since before the beginning of all recorded history.

This is one of the main reasons why cannabis has an incredible story about its origins. The verses, from the Vedas, I’m about to share with you, tell the truth. Once you read, and absorb the truth, I will go on to explain each verse, in great detail.

Documented in the original language of Sanskrit, the Vedas go on to describe the origins and purpose of cannabis.

“The Vedas… describe how cannabis was created when the Gods stirred the heavenly oceans, of milk, with the peak of Mount Mandara.

A drop of amrita (heavenly nectar) fell from the sky and a sacred cannabis plant sprouted on the spot.

Lord Siva brought the cannabis plant down from Mount Mandara for the pleasure of Mankind and for this the plant was consecrated to him. [Siva].”

Verses originally discovered by Mel Thomas in his academic book, “Shiva’s Broken Dream: The Tale Of A Sacred Cannabis Plant.”

Naturally, or maybe not so naturally, a few questions follow the initial reading of these verses from the ancient Vedas.

What we’ll learn, from the Cosmic Cannabis Culture, four part series, is as follows:

  • Who are the Gods? (Part 2)
  • What are the heavenly oceans? (Part 2)
  • What are they stirring? (Part 2)
  • What is Mount Mandara? (Part 2)
  • What specifically is the peak of Mount Mandara? (Part 2)
  • What is Amrita? (Part 3)
  • What specific pleasure does cannabis offer? (Part 4)
  • What does it mean for a plant to be consecrated? (Part 4)
  • What divine purpose does cannabis serve? (Part 4)


Answers to these questions paved the way to the rediscovery of The Tree Of Life, via the secrets locked, and protected, within the Cannabis Sativa plant.

Joe Powers

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