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Struck By Ancient Cosmic Cannabis Culture (Magic & Technology Of The Gods) PART 3

Thursday December 29, 2016

In Cosmic Cannabis Culture Part 2 we talked about; who the gods are, what the heavenly oceans are, what are they stirring, what is Mount Mandara, and what specifically is at the peak of Mount Mandara.

In Part 3, we will go deep into what Amrita is, the nectar of immortality.

The verses from the Vedas, we read in Part 1, begins the ancient story of cannabis.

“The Vedas… describe how cannabis was created when the Gods stirred the heavenly oceans, of milk, with the peak of Mount Mandara.

A drop of amrita (heavenly nectar) fell from the sky and a sacred cannabis plant sprouted on the spot.

Lord Siva brought the cannabis plant down from Mount Mandara for the pleasure of Mankind and for this the plant was consecrated to him. [Siva].”

What we’ll learn, from the Cosmic Cannabis Culture, four part series, is as follows:


  • Who are the Gods? (Part 2)
  • What are the heavenly oceans? (Part 2)
  • What are they stirring? (Part 2)
  • What is Mount Mandara? (Part 2)
  • What specifically is the peak of Mount Mandara? (Part 2)
  • What is Amrita? (Part 3)
  • What specific pleasure does cannabis offer? (Part 4)
  • What does it mean for a plant to be consecrated? (Part 4)
  • What divine purpose does cannabis serve? (Part 4)

Struck By Ancient Cosmic Cannabis Culture (Magic & Technology Of The Gods) PART 3

As we begin to discuss what Amrita is, I want to note how incredible deep and complex this part of the story starts to become. Even as I read through this story, over and over, I begin to piece together more and more of the “hidden” pieces of the cosmic puzzle.

Curious. How “real” are these stories. I wonder, if any or all parts of this story actually took place? Is this Vedic story meant to be “just” a metaphor or was this a story that literally happened?

As humanity continues to take a very WIDE look at the world surrounding us and as we keep on digging deep into the unknown mysteries from the ancient past. We humans stumble upon several, countless, mysteries that modern day technology still has yet to posses the ability to replicate.

One major example is the Pyramids Of Giza. The stones are so massive and cut so precisely that modern technology readily admits to not knowing how these massive stones were cut or positioned.

The truth, about the truth, is that the truth, is stranger than fiction.

Knowing this, always add another layer to how much information we can extract from the ancient stories that survived throughout the millenniums.

3.1) What Is Amrita?

As the gods and demons churned the Ocean Of Milk, a terrible poison spewed out of the depths, of the Supermassive black hole. The terrible poison, of the center, went on to spread and envelope the entire universe.

What was this terrible poison?

This terrible poison is what is known as Halāhala.

Halāhala (Sanskrit ककालककटट) is the name of this poison. The translation, into the english language, from Sanskrit, literally means “black mass” or “time puzzle”.

What’s interesting about this poison is the relationship it has with black holes. Black holes are essential the most dense piece of matter in the known universe. With this incredibly dense matter, comes with it, super high levels of gravity.

Modern science has an interesting time studying black holes. It’s very hard to study these things because you can’t get too close to them. If you were to get to close to them, the extremely high force of gravity will suck you in.

What has been recently said, by the modern science community, about “falling” into a black hole is interesting. There’s a certain point, located around the black hole, which is called the Event Horizon. This is the point, that if you cross it, the gravity is so powerful, that not even light can escape from it. This is the incredible power of black holes.

To label Halāhala as a, black mass or time puzzle, is to accurately describe, the experience you would have, if you were to cross the Event Horizon and fall into the black hole.

Theoretical physicists say, if you were to cross the event horizon, the gravity of the black hole would cause a massive disruption to your perspective and experience of time. They say that time would slow down, from the perspective of those watching you fall into the black hole. From those watching you fall into the black hole, they would never see you reach the bottom, or the center, of the black hole.

Interestingly. From your perspective, as you are falling into the black hole, time would speed up at an exponential rate. You would quite literally see and experience the entire universe move all the way to the end of its existence. You would see suns and stars burn up all of its energy, planets form, collide, etc. Everything the universe will experience, you will observe, as you are falling towards the center of the black hole.

Thus the power of both Halāhala, black holes, Mount Mandara and what exactly the demons and gods were attempting to stir from this mystery.

Halāhala was known to be so powerful that it had the capability to destroy all of creation.

It was created, from the stirring of the Heavenly Oceans. When Devas (Gods) and Asuras (Demons) churned the cosmos, it in order to obtain Amrita, the nectar of immortality.

But before Amrita could be recovered, Halāhala (“the most vicious and venomous poison of the universe”) was produced, which started killing both sides.

Interesting how, in order to achieve immortality, you have to create a poison that has the potential to destroy the universe and all of creation.

No one could bear the poisonous fumes, emitted by the poison. Since no one could bear the poison, both Devas and Asuras began to collapse, due to asphyxiation.

They ran for help to Brahma (God Of Creation), who looked to Shiva (God Of Destruction).

Brahma, Asuras and the Devas, all went to Kailasha (paradise of Shiva) and prayed to Lord Shiva for help.

Shiva chose to consume the poison, thus saving the universe from extinction.

His wife Parvati (goddess of fertility, love and devotion), alarmed, successfully stopped the poison in his throat, with her hands.  Thus earning him the name Visakatha (the one who held poison in his throat).

He was later saved by the Mahavidya (great wisdom) who is also a form of Parvati.

The poison made his throat turn blue; hence, he is also known as Nīlakaṇṭha (the one with a blue throat).

After the production of the terrible poison Halāhala, came Amrita, the nectar of immortality.

Amrita is a word that literally means “immortality” and is often referred to in texts as nectar of the Gods.

The word’s earliest occurrence is in the Rigveda.

Amrita is the drink that brought immortality to the gods.

According to the Vedic texts, a drop of Amrita, fell from the sky and where it landed, a cannabis plant sprouted from the spot.

Does this imply that cannabis has its roots dipped in immortality? Perhaps cannabis doesn’t necessarily hold the key to immortality, but, it does provide a link, or a bridge, to the gods that have access to immortality?

As deep as this story goes, there’s still much to speculate and wonder about how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Standby for part four, of the epic journey, into the rediscovery, of the origins of the cannabis sativa plant.

What we’ll learn, from the Cosmic Cannabis Culture, four part series, is as follows:


  • Who are the Gods? (Part 2)
  • What are the heavenly oceans? (Part 2)
  • What are they stirring? (Part 2)
  • What is Mount Mandara? (Part 2)
  • What specifically is the peak of Mount Mandara? (Part 2)
  • What is Amrita? (Part 3)
  • What specific pleasure does cannabis offer? (Part 4)
  • What does it mean for a plant to be consecrated? (Part 4)
  • What divine purpose does cannabis serve? (Part 4)


Answers to these questions paved the way to the rediscovery of The Tree Of Life, via the secrets locked, and protected, within the Cannabis Sativa plant.

Joe Powers

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