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Is Foria For You?


Foria made their first headlines with a very…exciting…product. Weed lube. Yes, it is just what it sounds like. Foria offers a sexual lubricant, enhanced by the cannabis plant, that is said to set your bed on fire when used. In a pleasant way, not a scary way.

Since its launch into the retail market, Foria has been making headlines – and making plenty of stoners pretty happy. And now they are adding one more feather in their cap. Are you ready for it?

Following suit with their cannabis lubricant, Foria is now releasing a new cannabis infused product – a tampon sized pill inserted into the vagina that aids with serious menstrual cramps or other intrauterine pain.

This could be HUGE for sufferers of endometriosis.

While many news sources we have encountered are playing this up as a joke, “Women are putting cannabis inside their vaginas” and behaving as though the idea is completely salacious, that is simply not true.

A simple Google search of “pain relief suppositories” reveals 454,000 results and several pages of options you can buy right online. So the idea is not a new one – but it is definitely a pioneering one with the inclusion of cannabis.



Brittany Driver

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