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Why Vaping Won’t Stop Joint Smoking.

Monday March 28, 2016

In early March I finally saw an article I’d been waiting to see for some time. One that really spoke to my point of view on a particular subject. And there it was, on cannabis centric media website Civilized, In Defense of Joints: 7 Reasons Vaping Won’t Replace Smoking.


I was ecstatic -no -beyond thrilled to see this article. Because while I know vaping is generally accepted as the safest way ingest cannabis, I do NOT think it will wipe out the decades – no – centuries old tradition of smoking a fatty. It just will not happen.


John Wenzel of The Cannabist put it in his own words in an article published in 2014 entitled Why Vaping Is The Dumbest Thing Ever. In it, Wenzel laments on how the word itself, “vape” irritates him and mentions that the high is not nearly as powerful as when one smokes the herb. I tend to agree. Though I also realize cannabis is very much a “To Each Their Own” kind of situation, I just know what I prefer.


Here are our 3 favorites of the 7 reasons Civilized (and I ) think that vaping will NOT replace smoking.

1. “The Low Overhead”

Vape pens aren’t cheap. Oil cartridges aren’t cheap. And who knows what the hell they are mixing with it to keep it all runny and viscous like that.  Just sayin. Flower is much less expensive and papers or a sturdy pipe are  both budget buys.

2. “The Ritual”

Rolling a joint is not something everyone can do, but for those who can the ritual is a much appreciated moment in the day. Whether it takes you 1 minutes or 10, each step of the rolling process is a chance to take a break out of the day and relax.

3. “Multi-Sensory Engagement”

“Rolling a joint engages all five senses: from the smell of ground herb, to its sensation between your fingers, to the the crinkle of the paper and flick of the lighter, to the taste of the green as you inhale, it’s a full-body experience. That’s what makes marijuana so enticing – that sense of generous indulgence.”

Brittany Driver

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