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Best Excuses For Stepping Away To Get High During Family Dinner

A few potheads out there might think this is extreme behavior. Why don’t you just FRIGGIN WAIT 15-30 minutes until family dinner is over!? Wait to get high? Is this even a serious question? Why wait to get high, when you can get high, now!? Depending on the “type” of family you have, this could … Keep reading..

8 Cannabis-Infused Recipes for the Holidays

Cannabis Infused Holiday Recipes

Celebrate the season with these delectable homemade edibles! Deck the halls with delicious cannabis infused goodies this holiday season. From spiked beverages to elevated desserts, and everything in between, these chefs show you how to get baked, literally. Remember, a little bit goes a long way. So start slow, portion mindfully and enjoy the ride! … Keep reading..