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41+ Weed & Smoking Games to Play While You’re High

smoking weed playing beer pong

Cannabis and gaming share a natural connection. Who doesn’t like to keep the good times rolling? And yet there can be no denying that marijuana doesn’t pair well with every game. Some marijuana gaming experiences will produce laughs and hazy, pleasant memories with your friends. Others will just be frustrating. In this article, we take … Keep reading..

THC-P | What Is It and What Are Its Effects?

THC-P Chemical Structure

What is THC-P? Scientific name: Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol THC-P is a naturally occurring chemical in the cannabis plant that is thought to be up to 33 times more reactive with CB1 receptors, producing an intense psychoactive effect on its users. Though the chemical is found naturally within the cannabis plant it was only brought to global attention … Keep reading..

Marijuana Tolerance: THC Tolerance Breaks Have Their Advantages


As a regular cannabis consumer since my teenage years, and someone who works in the industry and consistently consumes it for personal use, my tolerance at times is extremely high. Tolerance breaks are an important part of regulating how much THC is required, both for medical benefits and recreational purposes. It has been integrated into … Keep reading..

THCv | What Is It and What Are Its Effects?

THCv Chemical Structure

What is THCv? Scientific Name: Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabivarin THCV is a cannabis compound that has experienced a recent surge in popularity—despite the fact that it was first discovered in the 70s. From a chemical perspective, it very closely resembles Delta 9 THC—the substance that is responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects. However, it is missing several carbon atoms … Keep reading..

CBG | What Is IT and What Are Its Effects?


What is CBG? Scientific Name: Cannabigerol Called “the mother of cannabinoids” CBG is a molecule that exists in very small quantities within adult cannabis plants. It is relatively obscure because it gets turned into other cannabinoids as the plant reaches maturity. CBG has been known since the 70s. Though it is not currently prominent in … Keep reading..

HHC | What Is It and What Are It’s Effects?

HHC Chemical Structure

What is HHC? Scientific Name: 11-Nor-9β-hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol HHC is a relatively rare and often misunderstood cannabinoid that has hit the market alongside many other chemicals riding the legality wave of the 2018 Farm Bill which made hemp legal at the federal level. Of all the cannabis-related extracts to hit the market since then, few are as … Keep reading..

THC-O | What Is It and What Are Its Effects?

THC-O Chemical Structure

What is THC-O? THC-O is a synthetic form of Delta 9 THC also called THO-Acetate—the chemical responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effect. It’s known for being incredibly potent. Though relatively new to the general public, THC-O has been around for many decades, with experiments involving the chemical going back to the middle of the twentieth century. … Keep reading..