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How to Get a Cannabis Job in Washington DC

Marijuana Jobs

Want to Land a Dispensary Job? Here’s What You Need to Know As marijuana legalization continues to flourish across the country, dispensary employment opportunities have steadily increased. Since medical marijuana was legalized in the District of Columbia 3 years ago, dispensary operators have been flooded with inquiries for jobs, specifically as dispensary technicians. Since the … Keep reading..

Does The Cannabis Community Need To Worry About Trump’s New Attorney General?

Jeff Sessions

President Elect Trump made a decisive choice for his attorney general, GOP from Alabama, Jeff Sessions. Yet. What is not so decisive, were the questions Jeff Session received about cannabis, during his confirmation hearing yesterday. It is well known that Jeff Sessions isn’t best friends with cannabis. In fact. He is famously quoted for saying … Keep reading..

Questioning Perceived Authority – Part 1

Questioning Authority

The following articles involves a series of questions. These are questions that don’t necessarily have a “correct” or “single” answer to them. The answer to these questions are essentially answered within the very asking of the question. Why ask these questions? Why question authority? Why challenge the status quo? Why even question at all? By … Keep reading..

Why We Can Relax About the DEA Update Regarding CBD. For Now.

DEA Update to CBD

What Happened Yesterday Was A Real Shock To The Cannabis Industry Seemingly out of nowhere, the majority of the cannabis community interpreted a decision from the DEA to include CBD, extracted from hemp, into the CSA (Controlled Substance Act) as a schedule 1 drug. Schedule 1 being the highest level restriction and control. This proposal … Keep reading..

The Top 5 Cannabis Careers of 2016

Looking for a new line of work? Try a career in the cannabis industry. It’s said the cannabis industry is growing so rapidly that working in it for just one year is equivalent to three years working in any other industry. Currently, 25 states plus Washington D.C. have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana. Four … Keep reading..