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Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for the Cannabis Enthusiast

Cannabis has been known to strengthen bonds, relieve tension, enhance mood, stimulate laughter, inspire adventure, elevate creativity and heighten sensations. It’s no wonder this passionate plant has found a meaningful place in romantic relationships. This Valentine’s Day, celebrate the symbiotic relationship between cannabis and love by presenting your amor with one of these eight thoughtful … Keep reading..

Top 5 Things To Do While Stoned in DC

Stoned in DC

While the air in the District of Columbia may be currently filled with heated political debates, there is something else in the air. Marijuana! Possession and use of marijuana was legalized in 2015 for adults 21 and older making the nation’s capital more 420-friendly, just not in a public place. Most people don’t want to … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana – Top 5 Books

Medical Marijuana Top 5 Books

Sure we can find a ton of information online about medical marijuana, but nothing beats having a having a few reliable resources on your bookshelf. Here are my favorite go-tos that like to keep on hand. Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana by Michael Backes and Andrew Weil Evidence-based information on using cannabis for ailments … Keep reading..