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Single Stoner’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

Being single on one the most romantic holidays of the year, Valentine’s Day, can be a real drag or some of us still hanging out in the singles pool. And while it may seem easy to get down in the dumps around this time, here are some tips for making sure to take good care … Keep reading..

The Top 5 Cannabis Careers of 2016

Looking for a new line of work? Try a career in the cannabis industry. It’s said the cannabis industry is growing so rapidly that working in it for just one year is equivalent to three years working in any other industry. Currently, 25 states plus Washington D.C. have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana. Four … Keep reading..

Patrulla de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos

Patrulla de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos

Nuestro mejor consejo al tratar con la Patrulla de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos En años recientes, Colorado se ha vuelto la nueva frontera y líder en la Marihuana de recreacional legal y con ello también se ha vuelto un destino crecientemente más atractivo no solo para entusiastas del Cannabis, sino también … Keep reading..

Dealing With US Customs and Border Patrol

Patrulla de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos

In recent years, Colorado has become the new frontier and leader in legal recreational Marijuana and with that has also become an increasingly more attractive a destination not only for Cannabis enthusiasts, but also for travelers that are simply seeking to experience an emerging culture that is unique to our world. While most of our … Keep reading..

Can I Use My Credit Card to Buy Weed?

The short answer is, No. Since credit card companies like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover et. al., primarily offer their cards through partnerships with federally regulated national banks, credit card transactions involving the sale of cannabis fall under the US Controlled Substances Act. Under this act, cannabis has been listed as a Schedule I drug, … Keep reading..