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Purple Squid Google Eyes

Thursday August 18, 2016

First there was the Purple Blob. Evidently the purple blob got hold of some LSD and grew tentacles. Perhaps someone evolved the Purple Orb-emon and now it has more CP. Seriously, this has to be an elaborate troll by the “researchers”the Nautilus E/V, because this crazy looking creature is too much. The Nautilus E/V is a … Keep reading..

Wanted: Reservation Sales Agent

Monday August 08, 2016

Colorado Cannabis Tours is looking for a motivated, self-starter for our sales team for positions starting in the next week. You must be based in Denver, be 21 or older,  and have the ability to independently work from home. (Computer, phone, wi-fi, etc. all need to be provided by agent). While cannabis-industry knowledge and experience … Keep reading..


But how will the decrease change the current landscape? In Colorado, those that run in cannabis cultivation circles have long been discussing and predicting just when the recreational market prices would even out. Currently, medical product is less expensive to acquire than product grown for recreational purposes. For example, a gram of medical pot from … Keep reading..

Purple Blob of the Sea

Tuesday August 02, 2016
Purple Blob

So you can’t always travel to Colorado for your cannabis tour, right? While we would love to see you here in Denver, in the meantime we’ve come up with some “tours” you can take all by yourself. Turns out you can get high and explore the deep ocean from the comfort of your living room couch. This … Keep reading..


Each weekend, dozens of curious canna tourists round up at the downtown Denver Cheba Hut, a local sandwich spot. While heavy on stoner humor, this restaurant doesn’t actually sell any weed-infused products. Cheba Hut, a well-known Colorado staple, has their menu themed in a certain cannabis-centric vernacular, like a pinner Kush or the Acapulco gold. … Keep reading..

Trip into Arcade Hyperspace for $10

Thursday July 21, 2016

Hyperspace is $10 at the door, all-you-can-play brilliance. The owners re-opened the arcade last February with ready to play games, no quarters necessary. All you have to do is decide: Player 1 or Player 2. As a non-gamer, I found this unlimited play model much more enjoyable than bringing 40 quarters to the arcade on … Keep reading..

Marijuana Missionaries

Wednesday July 13, 2016
Marijuana Missionaries

Marijuana Missionary If you’re reading this, you’ve probably experienced the feeling of connectedness and spirituality that arises after that first toke of cannabis. And if you’ve consumed regularly with a group of friends, you’ve probably noticed that you collectively adopt certain rituals when smoking together. Call it history and human nature. We like to assemble and … Keep reading..

In April this year, the Drug Enforcement Administration released a memo regarding the potential rescheduling of cannabis. Substances listed as Schedule I are considered to have no medical value and cannabis has been denoted as such since 1970. But what does that mean? And while a rescheduling of the plant would be an absolute admission … Keep reading..

Top 4 Places to Smoke Weed in Denver

Wednesday July 06, 2016
stayhigh blog post

Cannabis is legal in Colorado. Even if you live out of state and are just coming to Colorado for a visit. If you are 21 or older you are allowed to purchase up to one ounce of weed at a time, whether you live here or not, due to a recently approved increase. You have … Keep reading..

Doug Benson took the Getting Doug With High show on the road in May, and the first out-of-state show was filmed in Denver, CO. SexPot Comedy presented, and fans of the show turned out to pack the Oriental Theater. Colorado Cannabis Tours booked marijuana-friendly lodging for Doug and his crew while they visited Denver, and also hosted Gabe the … Keep reading..