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Single Stoner’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

Being single on one the most romantic holidays of the year, Valentine’s Day, can be a real drag or some of us still hanging out in the singles pool. And while it may seem easy to get down in the dumps around this time, here are some tips for making sure to take good care … Keep reading..

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for the Cannabis Enthusiast

Cannabis has been known to strengthen bonds, relieve tension, enhance mood, stimulate laughter, inspire adventure, elevate creativity and heighten sensations. It’s no wonder this passionate plant has found a meaningful place in romantic relationships. This Valentine’s Day, celebrate the symbiotic relationship between cannabis and love by presenting your amor with one of these eight thoughtful … Keep reading..

Struck By Ancient Cosmic Cannabis Culture (Magic & Technology Of The Gods) PART 4

In Cosmic Cannabis Culture Part 3 we talked about what Amrita is, the nectar of immortality. In Part 4, we will go deep into what specific pleasure cannabis brings, what it means for a plant to be consecrated, and what divine purpose cannabis serves. The verses from the Vedas, we read in Part 1, begins … Keep reading..

Best Excuses For Stepping Away To Get High During Family Dinner

A few potheads out there might think this is extreme behavior. Why don’t you just FRIGGIN WAIT 15-30 minutes until family dinner is over!? Wait to get high? Is this even a serious question? Why wait to get high, when you can get high, now!? Depending on the “type” of family you have, this could … Keep reading..

On the Runway at the First Ever Cannabis Fashion Show

Cannabis scene and community As a cannabis tour guide, I find it pertinent to be involved in a lot of different aspects of the community. Maintaining that certain insider knowledge takes upkeep, know-how, and meeting a lot of people. When I heard about auditions for a new cannabis fashion show, I had to be involved. … Keep reading..