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Necessity is the Mother of Invention – This 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Tours is the Inventor.

Necessity is the mother of invention And this 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Tours is the inventor   This year the High Times Cannabis Cup moved the regularly scheduled 4/20 event in Denver, Colorado to California. This might have left a massive hole in the plans of thousands of tourists heading to Denver for the High Holidaze. … Keep reading..

5 Celebs Smoking Out on Instagram

5 Celebs Smoking Out on Instagram. Some celebrities can be very closed lipped about their cannabis use. We get it. But they’d be a lot cooler if they didn’t. We prefer the very open famous folk who really don’t care what you think about them smoking marijuana. Check out 5 of our favorites smoking out … Keep reading..

Remembering the Women Grow Leadership Summit 2016

Remembering the Women Grow Leadership Summit 2016 The Women Grow Leadership Summit is not just an unprecedented gift to female entrepreneurs of and interested in the cannabis industry – It is also a lesson in the old adage, “Where there is a will there is a way.”   In 2015, just one year ago, the … Keep reading..

Our favorite excerpts from Carl Sagan as Mr. X

Our favorite excerpts from Carl Sagan as Mr. X   Much like today, it wasn’t super acceptable for community leaders to come out as proponents for cannabis when Carl Sagan was bouncing around. So when Sagan had something to say he said it under the pseudonym, Mr. X.  Here are some of our favorite excerpts … Keep reading..

5 Celebrities That MIGHT Be Getting Rich Off Legal Weed

We don’t know these celebrities LIVES…but chances are these folks are raking in the dough sooner or later thanks to LEGAL cannabis. Who do you think has a shot at getting it right? 1. Rose McGowan Miss Rose McGowan has been doing her own thing for years, but has really been going for it lately. … Keep reading..

7 Wonders of the Weed Mecca or How We Upped Our Denver 420 Game

7 Wonders of the Weed Mecca or How We Upped Our Denver 420 Game With this year’s usual 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Cup being held in California instead (there will still be an awards presentation and a concert from High Times on 4/19), we at Colorado Cannabis Tours wanted to do everything we could to make sure the … Keep reading..

Burn One For Bernie

    Bernie Sanders is the most cannabis friendly Presidential candidate this Prohibition riddled United States has seen. The guy has already earned the votes of those who know he would absolutely end this ridiculous war on drugs that has gone on for decades with no end in sight.  But what some Sanders’ supporters might … Keep reading..
