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Nicolas Trainerbees

Thursday July 13, 2017
stayhigh blog post

What do you get when you cross a cannabis user with a real animal geek? You get Nicolas Trainerbees. Nicolas is a long time marijuana user and can remember having an interest in animals – and nature in general – from a very early age. Now, Nicolas is getting some serious attention from the media … Keep reading..

Purple Blob of the Sea

Tuesday August 02, 2016
Purple Blob

So you can’t always travel to Colorado for your cannabis tour, right? While we would love to see you here in Denver, in the meantime we’ve come up with some “tours” you can take all by yourself. Turns out you can get high and explore the deep ocean from the comfort of your living room couch. This … Keep reading..

Steakhouse Sniff Test

Tuesday June 21, 2016
stayhigh blog post

Steakhouse Sniff Test In North Charlotte, North Carolina, one Kabuto Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar is taking a stance. Things can get tense at the steakhouse, and they saw only one option available to them to rectify the problem. This Kabuto has railed against against hoodies…and weed. For several years, franchise owner Martin Tanaka has … Keep reading..

Is Cannabis Kosher?

Sunday May 15, 2016

Is Cannabis Kosher? Very unwavering dietary regulations are in place during Passover and many in the community wondered – could cannabis be ingested in any way during Passover and be kosher? So before the holiday this year, an organization called Siach made a point to get an answer once and for all.   And it … Keep reading..

Do They Dare?

Wednesday April 20, 2016

Do They Dare?   Early this week, Leafly and other news sources reported that the famous Drug Abuse Resistance Education, or DARE, had removed “marijuana” as a gateway drug on their website. Leafly included a link to a page that housed information about gateway drugs but when we tried to access that webpage, the link … Keep reading..

Is Foria For You?

Thursday April 14, 2016

Is Foria For You?   Foria made their first headlines with a very…exciting…product. Weed lube. Yes, it is just what it sounds like. Foria offers a sexual lubricant, enhanced by the cannabis plant, that is said to set your bed on fire when used. In a pleasant way, not a scary way. Since its launch into … Keep reading..

Roseanne Barr announces cannabis dispensary and product line. Actress, comedian, nut farmer and one-time presidential hopeful Roseanne Barr announced her intentions to add to her resume this year, this time as a cannabis entrepreneur and investor. Early this week Barr announced her plans to open a dispensary in Santa Ana California. The dispensary (and accompanying … Keep reading..