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Cannabis Industry Future Prediction

Monday November 20, 2017
marijuana, hemp, cannabis, weed

How the cannabis industry MIGHT evolve as we move into full legalization? Marijuana is becoming more and more popular, as legalization continues. Consumption methods and availability are expanding each day. The question is: What will the future of marijuana look like? Is there a any room for improvement?   From this perspective, the future of … Keep reading..

Doctor’s Orders

Thursday November 16, 2017

Recommendations for Lower Risk Cannabis Use.   It is no secret that the medical community at large has been a little more than hesitant to widely proclaim the benefits of cannabis. In part, because smoking anything isn’t something doctors typically recommend and in part because cannabis companies don’t offer kickbacks to doctors for recommending it … Keep reading..

Are You Smoking Radioactive Weed?

Wednesday November 15, 2017
marijuana, hemp, weed, cannabis

If it’s “organic” does that automatically mean it’s “more” safe than non-organic? There’s a general understanding about what it means to eat “organic” foods and ingest organic products.   A basic understanding about what “organic” could mean is that it’s more healthy or that it was grown and raised in a proper environment. To extend … Keep reading..

Blunted Objects Creates Bling for the High Minded and Stylish Zoe Wilder Gone are the days of tacky wacky tobaccy rings, bracelets and necklaces. With “a commitment to destroy the stigma associated with smoking weed, redefine the image of the once-taboo plant, and create a peaceful universe that everybody, smokers or not, can co-exist,” Blunted … Keep reading..

Lance Herbstrong’s Kamal Solimon Answers Our Questions by: Avital Norman Nathman Lance Herbstrong — the 420-friendly party band consisting of producer and percussionist Kamal Soliman, guitarist Peter DiStefano, and engineer Bill Sarver — has been making a name for itself when it comes to creating amazing mash-ups and original tunes. The band, which has collaborated … Keep reading..

Before I begin, I need you to memorize this mantra: “Synthetic marijuana” is not marijuana. “Synthetic marijuana” is not made from cannabis. It’s not like cannabis at all. It has nothing to do with cannabis. “Synthetic marijuana” is a term invented by law enforcement and popularized by a sensationalist press. Scientists and legal scholars don’t … Keep reading..

Infused Yoga May Have Changed My Life!

Thursday March 02, 2017
Infused Yoga

Throughout recent years I have been taking a look more holistic options to address symptoms caused by my sickle cell anemia. I traded opiates for cannabis to relieve my pain…the side effects were ridiculous. I swapped meditation for the craziness I often felt in the midst of a sickle cell crisis. And said goodbye high … Keep reading..

Cannabis has been known to strengthen bonds, relieve tension, enhance mood, stimulate laughter, inspire adventure, elevate creativity and heighten sensations. It’s no wonder this passionate plant has found a meaningful place in romantic relationships. This Valentine’s Day, celebrate the symbiotic relationship between cannabis and love by presenting your amor with one of these eight thoughtful … Keep reading..