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3 Reasons To Grow Your Own Cannabis


3 Reasons To Grow  Your Own Cannabis In the cannabis industry, having a green thumb can be a very profitable skill.  It may not be naturally easy for everyone, but gardening can be very satisfying in a variety of ways. If cannabis is legal to grow in your state, we highly recommend you give it … Keep reading..

He Had Nothing Left To Lose – Cannabis Oil Brought Him Back

He Had Nothing To Lose Cannabis Oil Brought Him Back   When David Hibbitt, 32, was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer his heart dropped. The expectation for his outcome was grim. The doctors gave him a mere 18 months to live. He decided to fight it. Hibbit did what many do, and quickly adopted … Keep reading..

Is Foria For You?

Is Foria For You?   Foria made their first headlines with a very…exciting…product. Weed lube. Yes, it is just what it sounds like. Foria offers a sexual lubricant, enhanced by the cannabis plant, that is said to set your bed on fire when used. In a pleasant way, not a scary way. Since its launch into … Keep reading..

Necessity is the Mother of Invention – This 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Tours is the Inventor.

Necessity is the mother of invention And this 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Tours is the inventor   This year the High Times Cannabis Cup moved the regularly scheduled 4/20 event in Denver, Colorado to California. This might have left a massive hole in the plans of thousands of tourists heading to Denver for the High Holidaze. … Keep reading..

5 Celebs Smoking Out on Instagram

5 Celebs Smoking Out on Instagram. Some celebrities can be very closed lipped about their cannabis use. We get it. But they’d be a lot cooler if they didn’t. We prefer the very open famous folk who really don’t care what you think about them smoking marijuana. Check out 5 of our favorites smoking out … Keep reading..

Remembering the Women Grow Leadership Summit 2016

Remembering the Women Grow Leadership Summit 2016 The Women Grow Leadership Summit is not just an unprecedented gift to female entrepreneurs of and interested in the cannabis industry – It is also a lesson in the old adage, “Where there is a will there is a way.”   In 2015, just one year ago, the … Keep reading..

Our favorite excerpts from Carl Sagan as Mr. X

Our favorite excerpts from Carl Sagan as Mr. X   Much like today, it wasn’t super acceptable for community leaders to come out as proponents for cannabis when Carl Sagan was bouncing around. So when Sagan had something to say he said it under the pseudonym, Mr. X.  Here are some of our favorite excerpts … Keep reading..

HELL NO! WE…Don’t Know Where To Go To Consume Cannabis?

HELL NO! WE…don’t know where to go. A Case for Vapor Lounges.   I  I just read an article in The Cannabist by Ed Murrieta—- about places to go vaporize pot in San Francisco, California. There were at least five places in the city where a person can either purchase cannabis and use it in … Keep reading..