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Infused Yoga May Have Changed My Life!

Infused Yoga

Throughout recent years I have been taking a look more holistic options to address symptoms caused by my sickle cell anemia. I traded opiates for cannabis to relieve my pain…the side effects were ridiculous. I swapped meditation for the craziness I often felt in the midst of a sickle cell crisis. And said goodbye high … Keep reading..

How to Get a Cannabis Job in Washington DC

Marijuana Jobs

Want to Land a Dispensary Job? Here’s What You Need to Know As marijuana legalization continues to flourish across the country, dispensary employment opportunities have steadily increased. Since medical marijuana was legalized in the District of Columbia 3 years ago, dispensary operators have been flooded with inquiries for jobs, specifically as dispensary technicians. Since the … Keep reading..

Top 5 Things To Do While Stoned in DC

Stoned in DC

While the air in the District of Columbia may be currently filled with heated political debates, there is something else in the air. Marijuana! Possession and use of marijuana was legalized in 2015 for adults 21 and older making the nation’s capital more 420-friendly, just not in a public place. Most people don’t want to … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana – Top 5 Books

Medical Marijuana Top 5 Books

Sure we can find a ton of information online about medical marijuana, but nothing beats having a having a few reliable resources on your bookshelf. Here are my favorite go-tos that like to keep on hand. Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana by Michael Backes and Andrew Weil Evidence-based information on using cannabis for ailments … Keep reading..

Habari Ghani!  – A Quick Guide to Kwanzaa

What is Kwanzaa? 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of Kwanzaa, a holiday based on traditional African harvest festivals. Maulana Karenga, a professor of Pan-African studies at California State University at Long Beach, created the holiday in 1966 to be a nonreligious celebration of family and social values. The name Kwanzaa is derived from the phrase “matunda ya … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana Changed My Life With Sickle Cell

It first begins with a tingling sensation, sometimes in my hands, sometimes in my ankles. I never know which body part will be targeted. The tingling eventually builds into a pain that literally leaves me sick to my stomach. And finally…I have no choice but to curl up into a fetal position until it subsides. … Keep reading..

Could Marijuana Get an NFL Green Light?

Marijuana enters the NFL Football

  Marijuana may have been the star player of this year’s election and the NFL may finally be listening to marijuana researchers. Although the league hasn’t publicly shown support for marijuana use, thanks to the recent election sweep, the nation’s changing view of cannabis along with research showing its potential benefits, may change that. An … Keep reading..