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Do They Dare?

Wednesday April 20, 2016

Do They Dare?   Early this week, Leafly and other news sources reported that the famous Drug Abuse Resistance Education, or DARE, had removed “marijuana” as a gateway drug on their website. Leafly included a link to a page that housed information about gateway drugs but when we tried to access that webpage, the link … Keep reading..

Is Foria For You?

Thursday April 14, 2016

Is Foria For You?   Foria made their first headlines with a very…exciting…product. Weed lube. Yes, it is just what it sounds like. Foria offers a sexual lubricant, enhanced by the cannabis plant, that is said to set your bed on fire when used. In a pleasant way, not a scary way. Since its launch into … Keep reading..

Necessity is the mother of invention And this 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Tours is the inventor   This year the High Times Cannabis Cup moved the regularly scheduled 4/20 event in Denver, Colorado to California. This might have left a massive hole in the plans of thousands of tourists heading to Denver for the High Holidaze. … Keep reading..

Roseanne Barr announces cannabis dispensary and product line. Actress, comedian, nut farmer and one-time presidential hopeful Roseanne Barr announced her intentions to add to her resume this year, this time as a cannabis entrepreneur and investor. Early this week Barr announced her plans to open a dispensary in Santa Ana California. The dispensary (and accompanying … Keep reading..