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What Is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Heal The Mind With Information To Cure The Body Of Dis-Ease. (Part 5)

Azadirachtin - Neem Oil

This series begins with several questions, as we uncover the truth about CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome). The following questions will be investigated on our journey to the truth. What is CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome) and its origin? (Part 1) Who do we listen to in the age of information overload? (Part 2) How do government … Keep reading..

What Is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Heal The Mind With Information To Cure The Body Of Dis-Ease. (Part 4)

Cannabis Hyperemesis

This series begins with several questions, as we uncover the truth about CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome). The following questions will be investigated on our journey to the truth. What is CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome) and its origin? (Part 1) Who do we listen to in the age of information overload? (Part 2) How do government … Keep reading..

What Is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Heal The Mind With Information To Cure The Body Of Dis-Ease. (Part 3)

Cannabis Hyperemesis

This series begins with several questions, as we uncover the truth about CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome). The following questions will be investigated on our journey to the truth. What is CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome) and its origin? (Part 1) Who do we listen to in the age of information overload? (Part 2) How do government … Keep reading..

What Is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Heal The Mind With Information To Cure The Body Of Dis-Ease. (Part 2)

Cannabis Hyperemesis

This series begins with several questions, as we uncover the truth about CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome). The following questions will be investigated on our journey to the truth. What is CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome) and its origin? (Part 1) Who do we listen to in the age of information overload? (Part 2) How do government … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana – Top 5 Books

Medical Marijuana Top 5 Books

Sure we can find a ton of information online about medical marijuana, but nothing beats having a having a few reliable resources on your bookshelf. Here are my favorite go-tos that like to keep on hand. Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana by Michael Backes and Andrew Weil Evidence-based information on using cannabis for ailments … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana Changed My Life With Sickle Cell

It first begins with a tingling sensation, sometimes in my hands, sometimes in my ankles. I never know which body part will be targeted. The tingling eventually builds into a pain that literally leaves me sick to my stomach. And finally…I have no choice but to curl up into a fetal position until it subsides. … Keep reading..

States That Legalized Recreational Cannabis in 2016

Cannabis Legalized in California, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine! Here’s how and when you can use recreational cannabis in these four states. In the 2016 election cycle, four more states legalized recreational cannabis. California, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine now join the ranks of legal cannabis in the United States. With recreational laws already passed in Alaska, … Keep reading..

Is My Religion Okay with Cannabis?

If you subscribe to a particular religion, whether Abrahamic or otherwise, you may have questioned whether cannabis use is acceptable or offensive. You may have even asked if it was – gasp – sinful. Before we delve into this, I should stress that any person’s religious beliefs are their own. Their relationship to their god, … Keep reading..

Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte's Web

HISTORY Charlotte’s Web, a cannabis strain known for it’s low THC and high CBD content, was specially cultivated for and named after Charlotte Figi. Charlotte Figi is a young girl who lives in Colorado and was only 3 weeks old when she had her first seizure. After success using oil extracted from the strain R4 … Keep reading..

Patient Story: Diana

Patient Story Diana

Sometimes, you meet people who change your life in unexpected ways. One beautiful Colorado morning, Diana and her husband signed up for a Colorado Cannabis Tour to round out their weed-centric vacation. I noticed them immediately as I hopped on the bus. “I LOVE your pants. They have bongs on them, with bows!” I exclaimed … Keep reading..