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Getting Doug With High Denver Hot Box

Colorado Cannabis Tours Presents, Get Doug With High VIP Hot Box Join your favorite Cannabis comic Doug Benson for a VIP experience you’re sure to partially forget! This coming Monday, May 9th Doug will be filming his very first episode of Getting High With Doug outside of California, and he just so happened to have … Keep reading..

Relationships on Weed

Wednesday April 27, 2016

  Relationships on Weed Romantic relationships can lift you up, support you when you need it and provide a sense of deep love and understanding to each partner. Or they can royally screw you up. Honestly, it’s how I feel about certain strains of marijuana, too. But unless you commit to completely isolating yourself (and … Keep reading..

Necessity is the mother of invention And this 4/20 Colorado Cannabis Tours is the inventor   This year the High Times Cannabis Cup moved the regularly scheduled 4/20 event in Denver, Colorado to California. This might have left a massive hole in the plans of thousands of tourists heading to Denver for the High Holidaze. … Keep reading..