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Are You Smoking Radioactive Weed?

marijuana, hemp, weed, cannabis

If it’s “organic” does that automatically mean it’s “more” safe than non-organic? There’s a general understanding about what it means to eat “organic” foods and ingest organic products.   A basic understanding about what “organic” could mean is that it’s more healthy or that it was grown and raised in a proper environment. To extend … Keep reading..

Infused Yoga May Have Changed My Life!

Infused Yoga

Throughout recent years I have been taking a look more holistic options to address symptoms caused by my sickle cell anemia. I traded opiates for cannabis to relieve my pain…the side effects were ridiculous. I swapped meditation for the craziness I often felt in the midst of a sickle cell crisis. And said goodbye high … Keep reading..

The 5 Best Coffee Shops in Colorado Springs

  In Colorado, you’ll find a coffee shop on practically every street corner. The trick is finding that cafe with the perfect balance of atmosphere, bonus goodies, and, of course, amazing coffee. This guide includes coffee shops that hit all three criteria, ensuring a total experience on top of a guaranteed morning rush. Additionally, these … Keep reading..

Questioning Perceived Authority – Part 1

Questioning Authority

The following articles involves a series of questions. These are questions that don’t necessarily have a “correct” or “single” answer to them. The answer to these questions are essentially answered within the very asking of the question. Why ask these questions? Why question authority? Why challenge the status quo? Why even question at all? By … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana – Top 5 Books

Medical Marijuana Top 5 Books

Sure we can find a ton of information online about medical marijuana, but nothing beats having a having a few reliable resources on your bookshelf. Here are my favorite go-tos that like to keep on hand. Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana by Michael Backes and Andrew Weil Evidence-based information on using cannabis for ailments … Keep reading..

Habari Ghani!  – A Quick Guide to Kwanzaa

What is Kwanzaa? 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of Kwanzaa, a holiday based on traditional African harvest festivals. Maulana Karenga, a professor of Pan-African studies at California State University at Long Beach, created the holiday in 1966 to be a nonreligious celebration of family and social values. The name Kwanzaa is derived from the phrase “matunda ya … Keep reading..

8 Reasons Hanukkah is a Kick-Ass Holiday

Cannabis Hanukkah

“Hanukkah” is derived from the Hebrew verb “חנך”, meaning “to dedicate,” and celebrates the Maccabean Jews regaining control of Jerusalem and rededication of their Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 165 BCE. As the Jews went to light the temple’s menorah, a form of candleabra, to commemorate this occurrence, they found only a single flask of … Keep reading..


Colorado Cannabis Tours Marijuasana

Pulling up to the Lumber Baron Ballroom during the holidays is like getting to check out that cool decked out house at the end of the block you always wanted to see inside of growing up. The tall wooden doors make for a grand entrance way to this grand old home turned B&B. We are … Keep reading..

Medical Marijuana Changed My Life With Sickle Cell

It first begins with a tingling sensation, sometimes in my hands, sometimes in my ankles. I never know which body part will be targeted. The tingling eventually builds into a pain that literally leaves me sick to my stomach. And finally…I have no choice but to curl up into a fetal position until it subsides. … Keep reading..

Proper Cannabis Etiquette

Proper Cannabis Etiquette

High-minded tips for consuming cannabis with grace. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or you’re just getting started, these practical tips on cannabis etiquette will help guide you. Respect the space and situation. Before blazing, take a look around and make sure you’re in a safe spot to consume. Private locations are best. Never assume it’s … Keep reading..