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Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte's Web

HISTORY Charlotte’s Web, a cannabis strain known for it’s low THC and high CBD content, was specially cultivated for and named after Charlotte Figi. Charlotte Figi is a young girl who lives in Colorado and was only 3 weeks old when she had her first seizure. After success using oil extracted from the strain R4 … Keep reading..

Contrast and Compare – Dispensary Process in Legalized States

Colorado Cannabis Tours Dispensary Visit

Editor’s note: Have you ever wondered how the states differ in dispensary visits? This blog is a “how to” that describes the dispensary process in legalized states. We will update this list as more states legalize recreational marijuana. COLORADO Inspection Every dispensary has its own company policy regarding workers or customers handling the product. Some … Keep reading..

Presidential Canna-dates

Where do our 2016 choices stand on cannabis? HILLARY CLINTON – DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINEE Hillary Clinton is the very first woman elected as nominee for a major political party. And because she is so familiar with pushing gender boundaries, the cannabis community hopes that she’ll push drug law boundaries as well. Clinton’s most recently recorded … Keep reading..

Cannabis In D.C. Legal or Just Sort Of Legal?

Cannabis Legal in DC

Legal or Just Sort Of Legal? Cannabis Is Legal In Washington, DC Cannabis was legalized for adult recreational use in November of 2014. Colorado had not melted down in an apocalyptic nightmare when cannabis became legal there, the way many detractors of marijuana had predicted. So, just 11 months into the Centennial State’s great cannabis … Keep reading..

Wholesale Recreational Cannabis Prices Finally Drop


But how will the decrease change the current landscape? In Colorado, those that run in cannabis cultivation circles have long been discussing and predicting just when the recreational market prices would even out. Currently, medical product is less expensive to acquire than product grown for recreational purposes. For example, a gram of medical pot from … Keep reading..